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    Now Available!

    on paperback, Kindle e-book and Audible audio.

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    “This is not a book for the faint-hearted, but it is a book for anyone who wants to explore the depths of Christian commitment. Michael Phillips offers a much-needed corrective to several popular but superficial descriptions of the Christian life. He dares us to abandon all candy-coated versions of the gospel in order to experience the real gospel. His challenge is to go beyond admiring Jesus, even beyond praising Jesus, in order to resemble Jesus.”

    —Bishop William C. Frey, author of The Dance of Hope

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    “This book is a gem, written from the heart by a man I have called brother and friend for twenty years. Make Me Like Jesus gives us an open, honest look at what it really means to walk truthfully with Christ.”

    Jim Ryun, former Congressman, Olympian, and coauthor of Heroes Among Us

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    "In Make Me Like Jesus, Michael has echoed the heartbeat of the ancients who had something I still do not possess, and that, summed up in the words of Oswald Chambers, is ‘spiritual abandonment.’ My road took me, literally, through heart surgery before I accepted that road as the only one for me. What will it take for you? Maybe this book?”

    Ron DiCianni, artist and author

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    “Michael Phillips skillfully immerses our imaginations...he takes us on an end run around the usual polarizing clichés.”

    -Eugene Peterson, best-selling author of The Message Bible paraphrase (speaking on another book)

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    “When I read...Phillips, I walk away wanting to be more than I already am, more consistent and true, more authentic a human being.”

    -Paul Young, best-selling author of The Shack (speaking on another book)

  • What is the summum bonum of life? The ultimate purpose in God's mind and heart when he thinks of you and me? That we become sons and daughters of God who are conformed to the image of Christ.

    - from chapter 1: God's Ultimate Purpose


    The progression of discipleship leads to nothing more

    and nothing less than the cross.

    - from chapter 4: The Prayer of Relinquishment

    The most important paths to spiritual maturity are invisible to human eyes.

    - from chapter 3: The Prayer of Childship

    It is easy to proclaim the gospel. † It is difficult to die to self.
    Easy to draw the sword. † Difficult to lay down the sword.
    Easy to preach. † Difficult to be silent.
    Easy to exert the will. †  Difficult to relinquish the will.
    Easy to stand tall in the face of opposition. † Difficult to bend the knees and live in garden-relinquishment.

    - from chapter 4: The Prayer of Relinquishment

    Spiritual development cannot be rushed. There is no such thing as hothouse maturity.

    - from the Introduction

    The prayer of Christlikeness will set you on a course apart from the "spiritual" crowd. In quiet and subtle ways you will find yourself diverging even from many in your own church; a journey different from that of the religious multitude.

    - from chapter 3: The Prayer of Christlikeness

    It is a quiet prayer,
    a personal prayer,
    a humbling prayer,
    an invisible prayer.
    It can be a lonely prayer,
    a painful prayer,
    a sacrificial prayer.
    One cannot pray this prayer anywhere but at the altar.

    - from chapter 2: The Prayer of Christlikeness

    The most pivotal moments of childship come when the will of the Father and the will of the child are pitted one against the other.

    - from chapter 3: The Prayer of Childship

    Jesus means us to stay behind in the garden, to place our own knees into the imprint left behind by his in the ground. It is in the faintly visible impressions of the Lord's knees in Gethsemane that we are meant to live in discipleship.

    - from chapter 4: The Prayer of Relinquishment

    When we give him our will, when we abandon our own meager selves into God's hands, he gives personhood back to us, infused and filled with his life.

    - from chapter 4: The Prayer of Relinquishment

  • About Michael Phillips

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    Introducing the Author

    Michael Phillips is one of the most versatile writers of our time. In addition to his reputation as a best-selling novelist, he has penned more than two-dozen non-fiction titles. These diverse but lesser known devotional and theological writings illuminate biblical themes with profound wisdom and insight.


    Phillips is also known as one of the men who helped rescue Victorian Scotsman George MacDonald from obscurity in the 1980s with his new publications of MacDonald’s works. His efforts contributed to a worldwide renewal of interest in the man C.S. Lewis called his master. Phillips is today regarded as a man with rare insight into MacDonald’s heart and spiritual vision.


    Phillips’ corpus of more than a hundred fiction and non-fiction titles is praised by readers, theologians, laymen, and clergy across the spectrum of Christendom.

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    available in paperback, e-book and audio

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    audio read by Michael Kimball